Choreography Sasha Waltz
Cinematography Karsten Liske
Filmed at Schauspielhaus Zürich June 2010
Direction Choreography Sasha Waltz
Stage Design Thomas Schenk, Pia Maier Schriever, Sasha Waltz
Costumes Bernd Skodzig
Light Martin Hauk
Dramaturgy Jochen Sandig
Dance Choreography Liza Alpízar Aguilar, Ayaka Azechi, Jiří Bartovanec, Davide Camplani, Maria Marta Colusi, Juan Kruz Diaz de Garaio Esnaola, Luc Dunberry, Edivaldo Ernesto, Delphine Gaborit, Florencia Lamarca, Sergiu Matis, Todd McQuade, Thomas Michaux, Virgis Puodziunas, Sasa Queliz, Zaratiana Randrianantenaina, Orlando Rodriguez, Mata Sakka, Yael Schnell, Xuan Shi, Niannian Zhou
Drums Robyn Schulkowsky
Repetition Renate Graziadei
A production of Sasha Waltz & Guests in collaboration with Schauspielhaus Zürich/Zürcher Festspiele, spielzeit’europa|Berliner Festspiele and Sadler’s Wells London. Supported by Radial Stiftung. Made in Radialsystem®.
Sasha Waltz & Guests is supported by Hauptstadtkulturfonds and Land Berlin.
In »Continu« a field of tension between choreographic, musical and visual currents of energy is generated, while the title denotes the continuity of the perpetual forces of Nature. Sasha Waltz engages in »Continu« with primary impulses deriving from her major projects for museums of 2009 - the artistic inaugurations for David Chipperfield's Neues Museum Berlin and Zaha Hadid’s MAXXI in Rome. Employing twenty-four dancers she has conceived a large-format, archaic choreography. The epochal symphonic work »Arcana« by Edgard Varèse represents the musical core of »Continu«, which is then complemented by compositions by other artists like Iannis Xenakis and Claude Vivier.